TFZP #213: You’re Not Close Enough Unless Your Beard’s Tickling It

It’s the last episode of the year, and Meo brought PIZZA! This week’s episode includes talk of great Christmas songs, books, TV shows, movies, oven repair, physical therapy, new computers, video games (quite a few, especially for us), and surprise call in from a good friend, a touching e-mail (not that kind of touching you pervs) and dog poop. I think we covered all the bases – see you next year!
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TFZP #212: I’m Having a Hard Time Concentrating

Draelor brought us some wings, and we’re all reeling from the heat (but not because of Meo’s Ecobee, which is working fine now thank you). We also introduce a new element to the show – a producer! Oh, Wobbly almost died, Draelor is probably (definitely) getting a dog, D&D is slowly grabbing hold of some of us and Slay the Spire is great!
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TFZP #211: The Onions are Cabbage

Do we still do this podcast? YES WE DO! Unfortunately, listening to it will activate Alexa and start your header and air conditioner, but shut down all your hard drives. While you listen, you can imagine the Zonkeys doing fun things like going on vacation, setting up home servers, urinating, catching Pokemon, playing D&D, playing Yehaw Skyrim and watching Studio Ghibli movies.
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TFZP #209: The Last Ass Dragon

HALLOWEEN IS COMING! This podcast includes a large amount of candy talk, candy eating, candy discussion and other candy related topics. We also talk (more) about Sugar Smacks smelling pee, brewing coffee from roasted green beans, new and old Pinball machines, video games like Destiny 2 and Oracle of Ages. We also talk about butts (of course).
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TFZP #208: Hot Deer

This one starts off with, uh, something. And then it keeps popping back up all through the episode, among discussions of loose dogs, the new greatest song in the world, the smell of urine, Mother, rage quitting, mega millions, Destiny 2 and some VR talk. Also that new pinball machine doesn’t look very good.
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TFZP #207: Summer Sunday School

Ok. Does anyone read this? I don’t think anyone reads these little synopses. If you do read them, please send an e-mail to and include your favorite Halloween candy. Or maybe write a nice poem. Or a haiku. 🙂
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TFZP #206: Like a Kiwi and a Blueberry

Vegetarian meat, french wrestling, toilet lights, Boomland and Deadpool. Another two weeks are in the books, and we’re here to talk about them. And I guess video games. And VR. And hot balls. And books. And genitals. I guess we kind of wandered this episode. Strange, we’re usually so on topic and focused…
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TFZP #205: I Think the Titles are Better When They’re More Organic.

Welcome to the newest entry in the Flaming Zonkey AVLOG. Breaking new ground – we’re a vlog on Twitch while we record, but we also have AUDIO, which sets us apart from other vlogs that only have video. On this episode, we eat ding dongs and beef sticks, get pegged at the gym, get excited for both Oculus and the singularity and hear all about Berz’ sickness. Oh, there’s also video games – Lara Croft, anyone?
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TFZP #204: 20 Foot Ladder

It was national cheese burger day, and Draelor brought us cheeseburgers. You don’t get a description this week – just spend some time reflecting on how great Draelor is. Seriously, 15-20 minutes should be enough.
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